Matts little brother Loki
Today is Matt's little brothers Loki turns 5 years old. Matt was lucky and was able to be there when he was born, I was worried at first because he never likes seeing me hurting and I wasnt sure how he would handle holding my hand or standing close to me while I was having his amazing little brother.
Matt was really good he listened well and the birth of Loki went really well.
It started really late at night, we went to the hospital around 11pm we had to get Matt up and ready as well as getting ourselves ready, we call the doctor and My mom and hoped in the car.
Matt has always been protective of his me his mom. he always wanted to do what ever he could to help me, so me being in pain from child birth and him not able to do anything about it was of concern for him but Mike and I told him I was fine and doing well, he sat quietly in the back seat all the way there and when we arrived at the hospital I realized I could not walk much as the baby was really ready to come out, Matt listened really well and pushed me in the wheel chair while Mike parked the car.
After registering Matt started to push me to the elevate till Mike showed up and helped Matt was such a good helper.
During the whole procedure he was watching me, making sure I was taken care of and was okay he didnt want to sit he was so excited to see this little baby who was about to come into this world.
It wasnt long before he was us Matts little brother was born
It was a great day a great moment and one not to be forgotten.
Although Matt does forget many things he had not forgotten this day he remembers seeing this amazing little one coming into this world and I am so grateful for this.
Matt gets so excited to celebrate he always starts planning for his little brothers birthday days before excited for the party but gets confused when it will be and even forgets that we already had it until reminded or maybe he thinks we should all have two or more parties or he just likes to have an awesome time. What ever it is I am just so very grateful that his little brother was a good impact in his life.
Today is Lokis Birthday and Matt got all dressed up and ready to head out, I asked "where are you going bud?" he said "Out for his birthday party" I had to remind him we had it last weekend.
I guess its okay to forget somethings as long as we remember the very best of things..
The brothers have so much fun together, Loki is understand how to appreciate and understand Matt and Matt is understanding the same for his little brother. Love is unconditional with these two.
I am so grateful <3
<3 Joan Nielsen