I would like to be an actor
"I would like to be an actor" Matt says in a video we were doing for our youtube channel Life with Matt.
Its a good morning for Matt so far and he seems to be really with it (I am very grateful for this). Its a lot different from the past few days where is was stressing and obsessing over a script he couldnt figure out how to write.
No sleep or very little for him and me a couple of nights a go that I had to give him a sleepibg pill to help him sleep.
I used to just fight with him for a night to see if he would fall asleep trying all different things and the last thing being his sleeping pill when nothing else worked but being up till early hours I knew that he would not go to sleep with out help and so I gave him his sleeping pill and we all got some sleep.
The next day, yesterday he woke up grateful to me for giving it to him. During the day was a mixture of emotions happy, confused, stressed and upset by bed time I knew he needed to get some sleep so I gave him his sleeping pill but he didnt want it, "Matt this will.help you sleep." I told him, "I know what that does to me I am.not taking it." He replyed. "It helps you sleep." I reminded him. "I am not taking it, I only trust this one (he points to his anti seizure pill). He says. Not wanting to debate it any more I say "You can take it the easy way or hard way.its up to.you." He looks at me and says "Easy" takes the pill and then.has a great nights sleep and feels better today because of it.
Whats the hard way yo.might be asking its where I would place it in his mouth and make sure he swollows it.
Matt is a reaaly good guy and I havent had to do that very often but yes I.have had to a few times.
Matt sometimes works so.hard at his movies and wants to an actor but sonetimes he gets so.caught up in it he puts so much pressure on himself to get it done and then he stress's about it. Stress is never a good thing for any of us and especially Matt.
Keep dreaming, keep working towards your dream, never give up, step by step you will get there and yes take a break once and awhile to redirect and refocus and then continue.