Matt reading a scene from a movie
Matt reading a scene from a movie Matt watch one of his favourite movies and wrote this scene and then read it. This was a really good...
Before and after a drop seizure Matt act's like this
It isnt always easy to know when a seizure is about to happen or if one happened but when this happens it usually means a drop seizure....
Thanksgiving dinner with Matt
We never know what Matt will join us and this Thanksgiving was no diffrent and we know at any moment no matter what who is with us can...
Food, food, food
Food is a big part of Matts life, a really big part of Matts life. So what happens when he focuses so much on some food but doesnt get...
Gratitude and love helps every condition
I am a big believer that you can heal you and your thoughts are a big part of this. I am a big believer that it is very important to...
Brotherly love
I have always loved to watch the bond between Matt and Loki grow. I have always loved to see them share things, to do things together and...
Small wins
Small wins seem like big wins at times. When Matt is able to enjoy the Pumpkin patch with us, when he fallows along with us while being...
CBD oil and THC/CBD oil mix work to reduce seizures and help with the side effects of seizure
Its been over a month now that we have been using CBD oil and it is working wonderfully to reduce seizures all of his seizures more so...
What helps reduce seizure activity? A list of what we have found.
For over 15 years now we have been trying to find something that will help Matthew with his seizures all with some degree of success but...