Personal Responsibility
I watched a video my mom shared on Facebook and I wanted to talk about it I will also share it with you.
What would you do if you found out you had a disability or a medical condition that would one dy not allow you to do what you loved, what if it already stopped you from doing what you loved? I watched a video of a young lady who had that happen to her, it was such a empower, inspiring story.
I believe that when we make ourselves accoutable and we have someone who will hold us accountable then we can do anything, believing in ourself is key here.
It doesnt matter what the situation is when you start taking responaibility and allowing yourself to believe, have faith and do what ever it takes to get you to the next place, the next goal, the next step. Start right now dont allow anything including the condition you are in at this moment stop you..
You have greatness in you, believe in you
<3 Joan Nielsen
#bewhoyouwanttobe #beyou #dontletanythingstopyou #anger #bekind #childwithdisabilities #clarity #confusion #destress #disorders #doctors #doingsomethingnice #dontjudge #epilepsy #faith #focused #free #freedom #frustration #grateful #gratitude #grumpypeople #happiness #health #kindness #lifewithmatt #love #marijuana #medicine #myson #obsessed #oneofakind #personwithdisabilities #saddness #thanksgiving #unfocused #yourattitude #yourchild