Things change
Things change
In our house things change in a moments notice, no we dont get any worning, or anything it just changes.
One of the reasons is due to Matts seizures and this really does change things due to the fact that Matt has grandmals and they take alot out of him when he has one and my not be awake for hours, lucky for us he mostly has these at home in his bed.
Other reasons are due to the after affects of Matts seizures, like his attitude or his out of mind experiances.
Imagine having the nicest person turn into an angry ogar or someone not being about to communicate with you or do anything for themself, imagine a very sociable person not being sociable any more, imagine not knowing what one you were waking up to..
Imagine having days where you were the only person who could care for this person, the only one who they would listen to, or connect with.
Yes things Change and they change fast.
I never know what is going to happen from moment to moment or day today this is why ever moment I have is worth it, every moment is an amazing moment with Matt.
<3 Joan Nielsen
#anger #bekind #bewhoyouwanttobe #beyou #childwithdisabilities #clarity #confusion #destress #disorders #doctors #doingsomethingnice #dontjudge #dontletanythingstopyou #epilepsy #focused #free #freedom #frustration #grateful #gratitude #faith #grumpypeople #happiness #health #kindness #lifewithmatt #love #marijuana #medicine #myson #obsessed #oneofakind #personwithdisabilities #saddness #thanksgiving #unfocused #yourattitude #yourchild