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Can Untrained service dogs help?

Can Untrained service dogs help?

I have a dog well actually I have two, one is a Japanese Chin Yuki who is 8 years and one is a border collie/ blue healer x rotti Fenris who is 3.


I started noticing my dogs acting funny tonight I have been noticing for a little while Fenris gets really sucky just before Matt has a seizure I notice this sigh because I had a dog before Fenris who would do this her name was Kara and every time she would act up Matt had aseizure, neither Kara or Fenris lived with each other as Kara passed away just about five years ago, nor were either trained to do this they just some how get me aware.


Kara and Yuki

This evening it was both my dogs acting up they both acted as if they needed something checked food and water nope they had that, let them out again nope didnt care for that yet my 8 year old just laid down in the hallway in front of my door and down from Matts room as Fenris just kept getting me to pet him and kept wanting on my lap this is just a little while before Matt had a seizure.

So do dogs know what can happen before it happens? My answer is Yes I believe so.

Even though neither of these two or my other one was trained I believe that animals have a sense and know that something is about to happen and can keep us aware.

I sure will be looking for more signs and keeping a journal to see the pattern.

One question I had was why did they come to me and not go to Matt my thought is they think I am the one who can help most. I am there mom as well and mom knows best. I also think it could be the pack thought process go to the leader and I am that to them.

There are many services for animals out there although I have thought about one at times for Matt they require the animal being the only one in the house and I have always had a dog in our house and would not give it up for anything.

So it is really awesome to see signs from my dogs with out training to just pick this up and let me know. Keep an eye out for what your own pets are telling you.

Another thing to be aware of here is Yuki himself has Seizures not very often and Fenris watches him and stays beside him and this last time howled while Yuki was barking during it. Awesome to see the compation it really does keep me interested in this process I will for sure to be keeping a journal and watching for signs..


<3 Joan Nielsen

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