Bad Dreams
Bad Dreams
How can bad dreams create how we focus on our life?
Matt had a bad dream and it really put a damper on when he wants to do with his life which is create movies and he thought he really had to do what he did in his dream instead.
Many of us get stuck in feeling our dreams mean something like that and we allow bad dreams to consume us for the day, week and even longer. Sometimes it is better to just let them go and get back to being you.
Matt focuses to much sometimes on things that will create a bad mood and his bad dream is one of them so for a whole day he felt like a failure, he was upset, sad and didnt want to do what he did in his dream and even though I told him it was just a dream he was sure i would make him do it, instead of being able to do what he wants to do, because for some reason in Matts thoughts he can only do one thing.
It is true to Matt he can only focus on doing one thing so even when he has thoughts of doing something else he will have to give up on what he really wants to do which is create a movie.
Although I reminded him it was just a dream he wouldnt let it go, so at the end of the night he finally told me what it was and I told him well fine then you dont ever have to do that, although it does sound like fun and you could still do your movie you do not have to do that if you dont like.
I got to thinking how often do we spend so much time on thinking about something we need not even waist our time on? How much time to we waist time thinking about our bad dreams?
I know many of us do because I know I have as well. Time to let go of these and move forward to a more awesome thought focus on what you want to have happen and not what you dont.
You are worth it.
<3 Joan and Matt