Drugs, essential oils, Food, what ever works
Drugs, essential oils, Food, what ever works
We have spent all of our life together Me and my husband Mike working on finding ways to help our son Matt, we have done diets, drugs and what ever we can to help him I recently heard of coconut oil helping and also heard of this new drug that is not for seizure's but has been used on other brain related disorders and for pain. do we try it? This is now a no brainer for me, Yes lets try it we never know what will help until we try it and we are willing to try anything, although I do not like pharmasutacle drugs, I have started changing my thoughts when it comes to Matt dont get me wrong I would love to find a one stop help devise for Matt but I have not uptill this point been so lucky so I am willing to try anything and this includes this new drug.
Do essential oils help wow why didnt I think of this before? I was introduced to trying out some essential oils for Matt and I am really liking it. I dont know alot of essential oils but I am willing to try everything and I mean everything that will help my son, I am also willing to learn all I can to help him even better.
There is always something to try you never know what will help so go ahead and try it all, dont give up....