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What works

What works for Matt I am going to give one thing at a time because I believe this is an important subject

My husband Mike say a family who is wanting to help their son who has Dravet syndrome and he asked me how can we get in touch with them and share what we know? I thought about it and desided that a video would be a great idea to share what we know.

The #1 thing we change was what he was eatting, I always knew food has an impact on us esspecially since I was diagnosed with food allergies when Iwas in my 20's and since I stop eatting some foods found a major benefit in my health. I learned about the Ketogenic diet which is helpful for people with epilepsy through my research looking for something other then the drugs that just didnt seem to be working.

To start this diet however you needed a Dr to reccomend it and the dr I had was not willing to do that so I was stuck with drugs, until Mike found out about another family who put their son on a low carb diet and he improved. I always love how things happen like that I was looking for something new to try and this dad just happened to share with Mike who then asked if I was willing to start Matt on it and I so was.

Matt had seizure activity through all of his brain and the doctors had no idea how to redues that other then with the drugs they were pumping him with, I however was ready and willing to try anything and everything.

Yes and the low carb was one of these things, I also went on this eating habit and I felt amazing, as for Matt after a few months of being on the diet he went from having seizures all through his brain to a small portion of the brain, he went from having all types of seizures to having just grandmals and only one once and a while and only while he sleeps for where he went all day every day.

Did diet work oh yes what you are eatting really has an impact on your body and brain. And we found this out for sure when Matt's specialist send him for an EEG and it shared that only a small part of his brain was now affected instead. The specialist was surprised with what we had done and that it worked so well. although he didnt believe in it and thought we need to take him off, this was the majority feeling from everyone we met yes everyone thought this kind of diet was not good for anyone and was infact harmfun and we reseved so many peoples opinion on this medical, school and many others. How ever Matt has been on the Low carb since he was 14 or 15years old and is so far the healthest he has been, still seizures once and a while just grandmal and only when he is asleep which really works out well. Now we are trying him on a gluten free which also seems to be helping as well.

Diet works pay attention to what you are eatting and what you are feeding your child it could save their life.

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Joan Nielsen

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