I wish you could talk to so I understand
I wish you could talk to me so I could understand
I wish I could understand what you want me to.
Tonight Matt was in one of his quiet thoughts and could not find the words to explain what he was needing from me, half sentences
"I need help" he says
"whats up Matt?" I ask
No response
I wait a bit and ask again "what can I help you with Matt?"
I start leading him out of my room so he can work on his words or remember what he needs help with
He says "MY game"
"What up with your game, can you not play it?" I asked him "My computer game?" he tells me
Me sitting at his desk now
"Yes, what is wrong with it?" I ask
No response
I look at his game looks okay to me "Matt I dont understand, what is wrong with it?" I ask him
Still nothing
"Okay is it how you are playing?" I continue
"I cant work it." He finally says
"Cant do what?"
Nothing again
"Okay well think about it and when you know what you want help with come get me again, it looks like it is playing okay now though."
He doesnt always talk like this but sometimes I just wish I knew how to help him even better.
I will always try though I will never give up working on helping him
Later on just about an hour after he comes into my room and says "You are the best mom for me, Thank you"
I am grateful
I am not sure how one moment he can have no words to communicat and then an hour later a whole sentence but I am grateful.
I love these moments of clearity.
<3 Joan