Cuts, bruises and bumps
Cuts, bruises, bumps, black eyes and who knows what else when someone wakes up after a seizure you never know what they will wake up with, Matt himself has woken up with cuts on his hand from his nail cutting into his hand, bruises in all different places, black eyes, and bumps on his head, he has also cut himself on his face and has even requried stiches at one point.
Most times how ever it is while he is sleeping so a bump from the wall, cuts his hand, bits his lip, a black eye, and bruises. He never remembers and if he notices it firsts asks what happened here and I tell him you probably cut it with your fingers. I notice the black eyes and the face bumps and scraches first or the bruises.
It isnt easy seeing the after affects of the seizures the cuts, bruises and bumps, the black eyes and what ever else. It isnt easy wittnessing a seizure you can not do anything about but we talk him through it and we clean him up, we stay with him till he is okay again and help him feel his very best.
There are so many things we do not understand about this but the things we know are we can help and we do every step of the way.
This is part of our life.
Yesterday Matt woke up with a big cut on his hand, he said "um mom" and opened his hand I walk over and see his had has a cut on it I said oh did you cut it let me see your finger nails and three were reallt short and only one was a little long dang I thought to myself that silly one nail. "Its okay buddy you can go wash it up get it clean" I told him, "can I go for a bath?" he asked "of course and wash your hand up good let it soak in the tub a bit" and so he did.
Matt had a bad seizure the night before and he cut his hand the palm of his hand really cood he cleand it up good but you could tell it was sore.
this is just another thing to be aware of when you are with someone who has seizures.
I am so grateful he is doing better.
<3 Joan Nielsen