Oh no a cough
Oh no a cough
What happens when mom starts to cough?
Matt has been very concerned about food time coming in constanly telling me he will be waiting till what ever the next meal is and actually wanting to help me cook hims meals at first I never thought much about it as he does go through these stages but then he meantioned that I his mom has a cough and it kind of went like this. Me : Matt dont worry about what or when you are eating next you just had your lunch so go have some fun.
Matt: I just want you to know. (then there is a long pause) Me: I know when it is time to make food so dont worry, I can handle this. Matt: I heard you cough (in a not so happy tone)
Me: well thats okay I still can take care of your meals. I never thought about it but in his own weird Matt way that is his way of saying I hope you are okay. Yes even Matt gets concerned when mom get something like a cough.
It may not seem like much and may even seem like he is concerned that he wont get a meal if i am busy coughing or it could get worse, But for me I take it as he is concerned that something is wrong with his mommy.
We never know with Matt as he isnt always good sharing his emotions or even able to talk about, or explan much but I like to think that way.
<3 Joan Nielsen