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Vancouver Federal Court judge rules medical marijuana law unconstitutional

Vancouver Federal Court judge rules medical marijuana law unconstitutional

On Februray 24 2015 The Vancouver Sun posted this artical Vancouver Federal Court judge rules medical marijuana law unconstitutional read it here.

I love this yes, I totally agree, as many of you know Matt has been taking Cannabis oil for his Epelepsy for some time and it has really helped him ALOT. To find out that we are getting closer to being able to grow our own and that he will be able to get as much as he requires is such an amazing feeling.

Right now although Matt does get oil he gets such a small amount due to the fact that is cost a lot and we are the only ones funding it at this time,that he is only able to buy a certain amount at a time and that we have to travel for an hour and a bit to get him some.

Now I know we will have to pay for seeds and take care of the plants and make the oil when the plant is grown but I am so ready for this task if it means Matt can get as much as he needs, daily.

Right now although Matt does get oil he gets such a small amount due to the fact that is cost a lot and that he is only able to buy a certain amount at a time and that we have to travel for an hour and a bit to get him some, now many who have followed my blog or face book page know that sometimes Matt over focuses but when he gets oil he focuses differently, he is able to focus on what is going on around him instead of what is just in his head, focus on others talking to him and he does not get stressed out so easily.

This is really a good step forward for us and I am so excited, I just hope they allow all the people who requre Medical marijuanan to grow it. But this is really a good step forward.

Looking forward to more knews as it comes out.

<3 Joan Nielsen

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