Other treatments
Other treatments
There are so many ways to treat ANY and ALL diseases there is the clinical way (we will call it that it is when you go to the doctors and get them to treat you), There is the Natural way (we will call it that it is when you use anything and everything natural this includes going to a natural path, using diet, cannabis or anything that is all natural from earth) There is the thought and positive way (we will call it that because it is using your thoughts and a positive attitude to heal). AND I am sure there are way more but we will speak of these.
I have seen many cases with people who have a disease and have used one and it doesnt work so they give up not knowing there are others, but there are so dont ever give up.
So many times we see one or the other just not an option we only do what the clinical says, we only go with their words and we are to tired or afraid to try anything else I know this first had as I was afraid, I did the clinical not only for me but for Matt as well and it wasnt working I had to add in something else or he was going to die. I added in natural at first and started with changing his diet and it started to work I now added in cannabis and a way better way of thinking and changing all attitudes around him to be more positive loving and caring and we have seen such a better response.
I know there are some crazy things going on with health care right now so many options, but I can across a post not to long ago that they still do surgery to cut the brain open and sever it from the part of the brain that is affected with Epilepsy with so many other treatments out there why would they try this? Then again I dont understand the whole Chemotherapy either I am sorry it is difficult for me to just sit with one option now that I have opened my self to so many so please before you just agree blindly do so research to find out other options.
Your worth it, your child is worth it. I am worth it and so is Matt so I will always try new things.
What if you found out that the illness you have now could be healed with changing your diet? With herbs? With Music? With a change of environment? With connecting with other people? What if you could use all of them to heal you and what if they worked? I am not say to stop what you are doing especially if it is working however if it is not then add something new try something else, like change your diet, reduce your stress, exercise more, meet others who are healthy and live a healthy stress free life and who knows maybe you will become healthy but at least you would have changed a few habits and in turn will change your life.
Dont give up this is your life keep choosing it now <3
<3 Joan Nielsen