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Matt got Knighted

Matt got Knighted

I was chatting with Matt about the past few fun days we have been having he has been in such a good mood.

The other day we went to a festival and Matt got knighted at first I was trying to explain to him that the king was going to ask him what his good deed was and he didnt seem to understand what I was trying to tell him, so I told him to come out of line so I could help him understand he started to get upset I calmed him down and then gave him ideas on what good deeds he does.

He got back in line and went up to the King to be knighted he the king asked his name he told him Matt Campbell and the King asked what good deeds have you done and he replayed all good deeds, so Matt forum =)

It brought a big smile on my face it was excepted of course and he was knighted he was so proud and so very happy to be part of it.

It is the simple things that make the most out of every moment, it is the fun and imaginations, the feeling of being useful and helping that make us all smile the most.

It really was a good moment for him and all of us.

Many things we take for granted like helping clean which Matt really enjoys doing with me when he is in his good moods or playing duck duck goose with us when we play with the little one so many things that we dont even thing of that will bring a smile to our face or the face of someone else.

I am so grateful for these days when Matt is in a good mood and able to participate with us.

Being grateful <3

<3 Joan and Matt

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