Does synthetic cannabis work?
Does synthetic cannabis work?
My husband told me that one of the major big companies is trying to take over this aspect of Cannabis I have my own thoughts on why they would for me though I want to talk about in a much simpler form at least for a moment and ask a simple question. Dose synthetic Cannabis work?
We have tried synthetic Cannabis for Matt once we had heard that someone else we knew had tried it for one of their aliments although the smokeables worked for him it wasnt as easy to get having at the time to travel over an hour to get it and it wasnt easy to give him as he didnt understand how to do it him self and needed someone to help him and that was me as at the time Mike my husband was working at the time.
So we went to the doctors got a prescription and tried the pills at first they seemed to help but his body was immune fast and the dosage had to go up just like the antiseizure medication pills his body gets immune to them fast.
First off just like the antiseizure medication pills there is NO regulation on how many is two many just if you need to up it again this is what we are trying to stop his seizure activities. No blood test done to see if he is getting to much and as I was just doing my own research I just say so many posts on overdoses on this kind of drug, never a death of all natural cannabis but so far many deaths over does of synthetic cannabis hmmm why is cannabis illegal? I will speak of my views a different time.
So as I said it didnt take long before we were upping and upping his dosage and yes it was helping for about a week at a time but as soon as his body would get immune he would become so very angry and violent and it would begin to stop working. by a month of our trial we realized it was not working for Matt in fact the side affects were worse then anything I had seen.
I know many use it for pain and I believe this was what it was intended for but we were hopeful that it could work for seizure activities but it did not and the side affects as I said were so bad I dont think I would ever use this for pain relief.
So there is this plant that grows naturally that they have just started to do research on we have found that it helps children with seizures with low THC and HIGH CBD's I have shared many videos I have found on it I have thought often about doing a video on Matt and the change I may do this for you in the future but at the moment I will use what others have.
For seizures CBD's really seem to work and for Matt the best ones are the oil as it is easier to use for Matt he should be getting from our research at least an ounce a day but for now until we can grow our own as that would cost us $30 a day and that is not covered under any medical. There is this plant that does help many, many people not just from pain relief but also for many other illness's but it is illegal WHY? Pharmaceutical drugs are far more dangerous then this plant.
Lets get back to the CBD's what are CBD's here is an artical on Cannabinoids And it even straights that companies are trying to create drugs that only have CBD's so why not allow this plant?
Yes why is this plant illegal.
Here is another one that helps you understand what CBD's really do and how they help it even has the video of Charlotte and the creation of Charlotte's wed.
Does synthetic Cannabis work?
Not for us no it had so many side affects so many bad side affects I cant stand seeing my kid go through seizures let allow loose total control of him behaviors while trying to be a nice guy flying off the handle and even becoming suicidal and abusive not stopping seizures and creating so many other side affects No it did not work for us.
I am not sure why so many people do not do their research, why are people so afraid of this drug? Why is it still illegal?
Great questions and I will write my views on another blog for you.
But for now PLEASE always do your own research on what will actually work remember the doctors and pharmacists only know what they know.
<3 Joan Nielsen