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Stitches, bumps and bruises all part of it

Stitches, bumps, bruises all part of it.

As if a seizure is not bad enough there are far more to it then it seems, there are many more things that we have to be aware of.

Matt mostly has grandMal seizures but he does have others as well like lately drop seizures or Atonic seizures where they just fall and loose control.

Is it due to the lack of sun light due to the amount of rain we have had this past few months. this fall has already proven to be a bad one for seizure activity increase.

But with seizure activity other things occur like falling, whether it be a drop seizure or a grandMal falls are always bad, a fall for anyone can be bad and someone who is unaware of what is going on or who is unconcussion can be even worse.

Matt had a bad seizure in his bed a few nights ago and fell hard out of bed straight onto the floor hearing a big bang my husband Mike came up stairs to check on him it was late at night and we were all in bed either sleeping or getting ready to sleep.

As he entered the room there he found Matt on the floor face down on the floor not that we have not seen him like this before I wish this was the first time but it was not, he picks him up to put him back on the bed and realizes that Matt is bleeding, bleeding badly after he see where the blood is coming from he calls me to the room.

I walk into the room to help him with I do not know what and as I walk in I see a pool of blood on the floor and blood all over my sons head, I see my husband holding on to my son and yes I panic for a few moments as I leave and go get a wet cloth.

My son is cut and I have no idea how bad or were, my son is hurt and I cant do anything to take this away, what do I do I remember thinking. I bring back the wet cloth and my husband shows me where Matt is cut his eye brow yes spit open, yes he needs stitches, yes he needs to go to the hospital.

NOW what?

Here is Matt laying limp just coming down from the seizure, laying there on my husband how do we get him to the hospital, how do we get all of us there? How do we get him and us home? What are we going to do now?

I have an awesome family able to help and we did get a ride from my sister and brother in-law, I am so grateful to have so much help.

Hospital visit and yes he needs stitches we think there are 8 although the scare will be in his hair line of his eye brow and no one will be able to see it.

What happened? Is usually the question we get we tell them and this time we get such a interesting question so no one saw it happen. He was in bed we were all in bed ready or already sleeping. No, no one saw this happen or the thousand other seizures he has had over time sure we have witnessed many but we dont always witness them and yes sometimes we just get the after affects.

Stitches, bumps and brusies are a part of this, they are side affects to this illness and you never know when you are going to get them or when something like this happens. Although we do plan for many things the fluke ones always get through once in awhile.

Oh course now comes the recovery and the explaining to him on how to care for it and how it happened but this is all part of Life with Matt.

Day two Stitch, swelling and brusing

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