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Matt's 28 th Birthday Happy Birthday Matt

My dearest son Today is your 28th birthday and I am so very grateful its been a wonderful adventure with you we have gone through so many things, we have done so much. I am s very proud of you you wake up everyday and ready to live it, you work on being happy, you work on being the best you. Today is your birthday and I am so grateful for you. I remember the day you were born I was so excited to be your mom, I couldnt wait to meet you to hold you to care for you and although it would be awhile till I could I always loved you, you have been my sweet little man from the time you were born I love you, I am proud of you, I am grateful for you. Today on this amazing day I want you to remember that you are such an amazing person you are my son, I am your mom and I wouldn't change it for anything. From the time you were born or maybe before we have had our challenges, we have had our ups and downs but through it all I learned unconditional love, acceptance, appreciation and gratitude. My dearest son today on your 28th birthday I want you to know how truly brave I think you are, to wake up every day and not know what the day holds for you, to live with what you have lived with to know that every day something could happen but you are going to make the best of it. To live with an illness is not an easy thing, to live with pain and the unknown are difficult enough but to do it every day for the past 15 years and try to stay happy and positive is amazing, you are an inspiration to us all I am so proud of you. There are days you dont feel that you have accomplished much in your years but you are alive and in your situation this is a big accomplishment, this is the most important accomplishment, being alive to live another day is a wonderful gift we have been given and I am so grateful I get to be with you on your 28th birthday. Happy birthday my son I love you.

Your loving mom.

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