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More cognitive on CBD Oil

Does CBD help you become more cognitive?

It has been about four days now and Matt has become way more cognitive on this new oil the one that is 87% CBD oil. We have noticed him being able to communicate better and actually have full conversations it is wonderful to watch.

Although he has been getting CBD oil for awhile we have not been able to get this high a lvl manly because at this moment thanks to the law we can not grow it ourselves so we have to rely on getting it from someone else. This has to change and fast.

The more CBD in the oil the more it cost I understand this because it takes a lot of time to create CBD and of course again it is still illegal to grow and produce right.

So if there is so much wonderful things that come for this why is it illegal still?

Well I know why but really isnt it time to get past all the money the pharmaceutical company's make, the governments cut of that, the other money made from other companies and begin to start seeing how this is helping.

Matt is beginning to become more cognitive in only four days of this new oil, I cant wait to see what happens in the next few days, we already knew that the oil he was getting with lower CBD was working for his seizures it is amazing what this is doing for him.

We are getting closer and closer to getting him being free.

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