Gratitude and love helps every condition
I am a big believer that you can heal you and your thoughts are a big part of this.
I am a big believer that it is very important to become grateful and loving as soon as you wake up and by this simple act you can continue to make gratitude and love your primary thoughts and this can change your your whole life including your condition.
I am a big believe that if you make love and gratitude your habit you can change everything, you can feel less pain, you can heal some condition's, heal some illness's, heals relationships, as well as so many other area's of our life and of course it really helps us feel better.
Gratitude is a wonderful way to begin your day. Believe me when I say I have come along way I didn't always feel grateful or believe it would make a difference although being a mom I had plenty to be grateful for having a children with disabilities and illness's you tend to see all the difficulties and for what ever reason forget about to become grateful for all the good.
Yes things happen and yes somethings are not good at all pain, illness, disorders, disabilities and especially when it is your child you are watching go through all this and there is nothing you can do about it.
What I have found though is that when I wake up with my thoughts and feelings to being grateful and loving I help others become grateful and loving and this creates better moods, better health and better relationship.
I become grateful every morning because it is better for me, my healthy, my relationship's, my life and it feels so much better then anything else.
I have to remind myself of course it isn't something I was taught in fact I was taught the same as many of us worry, stress, fear. When I decided to change and choose a better life, choose a better me I began with gratitude.
I wake up in the morning grateful for all the amazing things in my life, my children, their health, their love, my husband and all he helps me with, my animals and all they give me, myself and all I am capable of, my health and all the love I have, I am grateful for the home I live in, the computer I get to work on, the food I get to feed my family, I am grateful for all the amazing things and yes even the difficult things in my life.
Yes I am grateful for the difficult things as well, I may not know how they will turn out but they always change and I am grateful for the lessons they bring like they wont always last, that things can get better and that through ever difficult experience there is something to be grateful for.
Just to name a few when we had lost almost everything in the house fire I became grateful that I didn't loss anyone everyone made it out alive. When Matt almost died from to high of a dosage and to many seizures and I had someone (Mike) help me find away to help him, I had Mike to talk with and bounce ideas off of. The time when we were in between homes and no money to help with getting our own anytime soon but we still had a roof over our heads and family to help us out. When Mike was ill really ill and almost died and needed to be hospitalized and I needed to go back and forth from home and hospital and someone stepped up to help with Matt, Loki and the home.
There are so many things you can be grateful for even through the difficult times, even through the pain, discomfort, illness and disabilities you can find so many things to be grateful for, start right now its easy to begin and when you stay with it you can make it a habit in no time.
How to become grateful
Think of things you are grateful for it is really that easy but for most of us we have been programmed to be ungrateful so lets spend some time here for a moment.
Get a paper and pen and lets write a list of things we are grateful for a list of five will do for now.
I know I have shared some up above but lets begin simple things that we all can be grateful for.
You can begin with simple ones like
1) I am grateful for the bed I slept in
2) I am grateful for the food I get to eat
3) I am grateful for the clothes I have
4) I am grateful for my breath
5) I am grateful for water
Or what ever you like they are your gratitude's, you get to choose.
Begin ever morning with love and gratitude and then during the day when things come up go back to these reminders.
You deserve to feel good so start right now what is it you are grateful for?