Where do we go from here
It is that time again we have to move. Being a renter it seems like it is a part of it, no matter how good of a tennet you may thing you are, something happens and you are then in the search for a new home and usually it isn't always easy.
Packing up and moving where are we going to move? What will our new house look like? When are we moving?
Yes this is for sure a stress none of us need, especially Matt. This is a stress he could do with out now that it is getting close to moving day and our new home not here for us yet it makes it even more stressful.
Matt at this moment thanks to the Cannabis oil can pack up his room by him self which is really helpful as it gives him something to do and keep him busy.
However every once in a while he will say I need some help so I will go in and help him out and usually help him repack boxes to give him extra boxes he can use.
I remember a time when he could not pack or even think of doing much of anything including moving. It used to be so stressful with all the questions and added seizures do to the stress but this time there isnt all of that in fact it has been good to talk with him about imagining what his room will look like and what he would like in our new place.
This move is going to be an awesome one.
I may not know how, where or when but I do know it is all.working out for me.