Wish I could do more
I know I do so much for my son, I know I help him every day all day with all his needs.
How can I help him feel better when he is stuck in his head with all though's thoughts of un-acceptance, abandonment, fear and pain?
How can I help him have less seizures when the only thing that seems to work well enough cost so much and we have no help at getting the amount he needs?
How can I help him get more sunlight in the winter time or at least Vitamin D?
How can I help him live an independent life when there is no where else he can go but stay home with us, no course, no play dates, no adventures with out us?
How can I help my son live a "normal" life?
I wish I could do more.
I wish I could stop his seizures and have him seizure free for ever.
I wish I could have his fear thoughts, anger thoughts, frustration thoughts or any of his unkind thoughts leave or at least make sense so I could help him find better thoughts. I wish I could find away to help him through his lost times, through his stuck in his head times, through his lonely time and through the times he feels useless.
I wish I could help him more, I wish I could do more.
There are so many times I wish I could do more.
After 14 years of doing everything I can and looking for better ways and new ideas I still wish I could do more, I guess I always will.