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What Matt used to

Mike and I stopped by Amsterdam nursery the other day and I said Matt used to work here to Mike really said Mike, yes through school experience.

When we got home with our treasures we were discussing it with the kids and I said Matt used to work there and Loki who was very surprised said "wait Matt used to work there?" "Yes" I said "he worked there while in school."

Matt worked in many different places for through school work experience, he worked at the super market, nursery for plants, and the recycling plant, he always had fun doing it, could follow simple instructions and was with his OCD was able to make sure everything was in its place.

Although he never went to school when he was not well, not able to communicate or just after a seizure I knew it would be hard for anyone to care for him when he was in this state of mind, so I kept him home and care for him myself.

On his good days he would go to school and on the days he had school experience he would go to the places he was assigned, of course he had a teacher assistant who helped him and keep him on track with what he was supposed to do, but he always seemed to have a wonderful time and tell me all about it.

To see him now it is easy to question what he was able to do when he was younger, although he has his good days where he is about to help out more the do not come as frequently for some to notice, but on his good days he still loved helping organize the stores or put things back on the shelf.

Loki always loves to reminds me we don't know what the future holds, so I will go on seeing Matt being able to do everything again everyday.

Don't give up, keep going. You never know what can happen.

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