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Others opinion's do not matter

The other day on life with Matt youtube video I received a message stating that Matt was to blame for his seizures, stating that religion would heal and more specifically Jesus can heal. I have always left my own opinion of this us, I do not blame others for their beliefs, I let them have it even if it is the most stupidest thing I have heard.

I do not believe that Matt has an evil spirit, I believe that sometimes in life that things like this happen, I do believe you can heal yourself and that sometimes figuring out what the body needs is one of them. We have changed life style and created a way better life, better health and a better way. This person has their own belief and this is fine but I was surprised they would share such mean thoughts, well actually I am not some people don't even realize they are being rude.

I went over that comment more times them I cared to, not being able to read it all and debated should I delete it? Many times this is my go to if others say something I do not like but this time I decided to let it stay to help others know that this is a stupid comment and not very helpful.

I believe people have the right to believe in what they like and this person is no difference if this is what helps her sleep at night more power to her, however I do not care to believe this way and know there are many other ways to believe and to think.

I used to get really upset with people like this and although it did bring me to tears for a moment to think that this person who has never met Matt to think of him like this because she has been told to, trained to, is so very sad.

Yes Mike and I both commented on her comment and let it go but we did have a conversation on it but wanted to be quiet so Matt didn't hear, he has to go through so much already and a lot of time blames himself I could only imagine what this information would do to him.

Others opinion does not matter just do your best and move on. Let go of all the stupid things you hear or read from others it has nothing to do with you.

Live everyday as a miracle because it is.

Today I send love to that lady, I let her go and know she will never be able to see past herself and that is okay, her opinion of us does not matter to me, we are doing our best and I let it go.

Do your best and let go.

<3 Joan Nielsen

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