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New pill

New pill but it is not what you think.

The other day we went to get Matt some more CBD oil but they were all out so we decided to try these new pills that are a blend of the CBD and THC oil we give him, we usually give him the oil on a stick it is concentrated and not so easy to give, which means it is Mike and I who give it to him. We always make sure we are home so he receives him medication as it is not something Clarissa is comfortable doing, its kind of messy if you don't know what you are doing and you can give to much or even to little so she just stays away from it.

This new pill would take away all that and it would be easy to take with us anywhere we go even if we go to family events, camping, or somewhere else it will be an easy option for us.

So we decided to try it, we got three days worth of this oil in a capsule to try for the next three days, Matt was in a not great mood the first day not because of the pill but because he had been in this mood for a few days and was still choosing to be there. By the dinner time of that first day he seemed to be wanting to feel happier and that was a good thing. I decided I want to get some more so we can really give it a try a weeks worth might help us decide so we will be heading out today or tomorrow to get some more. I love how many more options are coming available it is truly amazing.

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