You just never know what will happen when you go to a Movie
You just never know what will happen when you go to a Movie
We went to see a movie something we do from time to time sometimes it works out well sometimes it doesn't tonight was one of the nights it didn't work out so well.
Although it began well, really well everyone was in a really good mood, everyone was excited to see a really good movie, I was looking forward to having a good time with the family.
Matt was so excited and having a good time all the way through and then just like that a part in the movie he just could not become okay with so he started getting into a not so good mood.
Some how Matt found some thing in the movie that did not sit easy, there were so many things it could have been, I knew what it was and it was difficult to get him to become okay with it and to let it go.
Yes sometimes things get all messed up in his head and he went from happy to frustrated and upset to scared in a matter of minutes and that was not good at all. I felt so bad for him but the scariest part is he gets so into his head and I have to make sure he realizes it is all just a movie and that none of it is real.
Taking the bus home is a lot of fun lucky for us by the time we were on it he had settled down and was just quiet. I feel for him, I really do, I wish I could help him feel better, I wish I could help him remember it is just a good movie, but I cant.
As we get off the bus and start walking home I realize there is something going on with him and he walks into a pole, I don't know for sure what was happening but he was not feeling well very out of it and ready to get him home to give him his CBD/THC oil.
We made it home with a little incident along the way, home at last, medication night routine and bed best way to end the day.
We never ever know how an evening will turn out, we never know what just might trigger something, we never know if it will be a good night or a not so good night.
By the time he had his oil and got ready for bed he came to everyone and gave out hugs, one minute scared, frustrated and sad and the next giving out hugs. Yup we never know.
No that is a good way to end this day.