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Happy Hiking

Hiking is one of my favorite things to do and I have been hiking or walking everyday for a few months with my mom and Matt has decided to come with us, I am not sure if he will always but for the past few days he has and it has been really good.

I cant always guarantee he will be able to walk or hike with us but when he can he is always welcome, today's hike was a little challenging but he did it and only at the end I could tell his back was getting sore but he never complained at all.

Day one was also a good one it wasn't as challenging but a good work out none the less.

Nature has a way of putting a smile on everyone.

Matt always loves to be ahead of everyone and Fenris our dog loves to make sure Matt is safe so always walks with him. If we are not together Fenris usually stays with Matt but will also check on everyone that is with us. Sometimes Matt goes way ahead and I have to ask him to slow down or to stop and wait for us so we can catch up, he is a good company he doesn't say much at all just enjoys the time we spend in nature.

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