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What is reality

What is reality?

We all think we know what reality is but what is reality really?

Everyone has a different reality. Everyone believes they know what reality is but if everyones is different how can we really know?

Reality for some is a life with healthy children, hardly ever seeing the doctors or visiting a hospital.

Reality for others is nonstop doctors, specialists and hospitals visits, tests after tests.

Reality for some is never doubting themselves, knowing they are doing their very best.

Reality for others is self doubt, fear thoughts and not trusting they are their best, doing the best they can in every moment.

Reality to some is never having to battle for their children, never having to make sure they dont fall tgrough the cracks.

Having children who are straight A students who fit into the core of everything.

Reality for others is always fighting for their children, always making sure their best interest is being looked into and that they dont fall through the cracks.

Reality for some is life is easy, everything works out, everything is okay everything is as it is supposed to be.

Reality for others is everything is always a challenge nothing works out, everyone is against me, life is so difficult.

But why the difference?

Different people have different realities.

But what happens when reality gets confused with fantasy, what happens when the two get confused, what happens when you forget the charactor you have been creating is just that a charactor you are creating and you believe they are real?

What happens when you loss sigh of reality abd yoy believe you are you charactor?

This happens to a lot and over and over again we have to remind him of what he has created, who he is and who his charactor is.

Sometimes he believes us and sometimes he cant understand us or believes we are trying to keep us from his charactor.

It isnt easy but all we can do with his mixed up reality is be kind, be patent and help him every step of the way.


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