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Stressing over time

There are days that Matts only thought is about FOOD, yes thats right food.

He comes out of his room and looks at me.

"Yes Matt I know its almoat lunch time" I say.

Hmm is his look

"You can go back to your room and I will let you know when its time." I tell him.

He stands there and waits every few moments looking at the time.

Looking back at me 

Yes he still has to wait.

This goes on for every meal, there isnt anything I can do to help him, nope not even giving it to him early. Infact when we do that he then expects it earlier and earlier every time.

Today he sat and waited for hours for his lunch even though I told him to go do something, he waited and got more upset. 

What do I do? AllI can do, the best I can.

I explain to him to go do something like clean his bedroom which he kind of does, at least to the best of his ability. I remind him to settle down and to breath and I remind him that everything will happen when it is supposed to.

No it doesnt always work sometimes he just is to upset. Sometimes however it does and he calms down and is able to stay out of his room.

This is him waiting for his bed time medication 

Looking at the time

I ask him how long he has, he shows me 1 for 1 hour.

I wish he didnt stress so much about all this, he knows I got it and stressing over anything is not good.

All I can do is keep trying to be the best me.


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