Just because you cant see it doesnt mean it isnt there
Epilepcy Fact: There are seizures that happen that you are even unaware they are happening.
Like silent killers they come out of the blue walking down the street and all of a sudden with out worning you loose consciousness, you either fall down or wobble back and forth, sometimes you dont loss consciousness and you witness it all not sure what is happing, you body just gives out.
There are Absent Seizures where you just stop everything and stair plankly. Atonic Seizure where your body goes limp and you may fall down. Simple Focal Seizures which is kinda like an absent but there is sweating , pail and may seem to many that you are not having a seizure, you may loss consciousness but seem awake like an absent and you may make noises smaking mouth together or even saying something or even laughing or crying.
Not only are there many unnoticeable seuzures, you would not be able to tell if someone just had one.
Just because you cant see the sun behind the fog doesnt mean it isnt their, just becauae you cant see a seizure doesnt mean it isnt there, so learn to be patent, kind, loving and helpful when ever you can.