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There is no cure for epilepsy

Epilepsy Fact: there is no cure for epilepsy. There is things that may help but there is no cure.and not enough research being done to even find a cure. 

Of course not enough research being done because there is not nearly enough funding to research, but just enough to treat with medication. 

There are treatements that may help but in many do not, infact many people diagnosed with epilepsy go through all the medication and still nothing helps, they have the surgery and it causes more issues and still does not stop the seizures, sometimes in many people their is nothing that will stop them. 

Matt is one of those people who medication did not work, lucky for him he could not have the surgery as his seizure activity was all through his brain, in fact the things that helped him the most was not recommended by the Drs at all, low carb diet and cannabis.

I met a man who had the surgery before the surgery he was independant mostly and then after the surgery he is paralized on his left side and mostly dependent on his parents. I was saddened to hear this, I couldnt imagine having to make that decision. 

There is no cure for epilepsy and the treatments do not always work, many who have.been diagnosed with epilepsy have uncontrolable seizures.. 

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