Seizure first aid
Epilepsy Facts
Seizure first aid, during a seizure it is good just to let the person having the seizure alone do not restrain them in anyway, do not even try to holding them down just allow the body to do what the body has to do. Time the seizure and make sure nothing can harm them.
You will see body shaking, breathing stoped, eyes closed sometimes they are rolled back into the head for a grand mals it is very scary looking.
At one time it was believed that you should turn them on their side, put something in their mouth and hold them down, these are no longer true. In fact the only one that is still mentioned today is turning on their side but I have found that you shouldnt touch the person (other then to make sure they dont fall off somewhere or injure themself) let the seizure hapoen.
When Matt has a grand mal seizure it is difficult to turn him on his side, it is difficult to move him at all but I can sit beside him so he doesnt fall off his bed or move anywhere else.
I just monitor him and allow the body and brain to do what it needs to.
Never ever put anything in the mouth as it can break the teeth an even the gums and jaw so NEVER EVER PUT ANYTHING IN THE MOUTH.
When a grand mal seizure occurs allow for shaking, keep person safe and call for help, talk calmly to the person even though they may seem completely out of it I found that talking to Matt during a seizure helps him and myself get through it.
Staying calm is so very important to everyone involved, although I know it is a scary experience I know but staying calm helps everyone out so much more. If you are so scared you dont know what to do you wont be any good to anyone. I have know many people who can not handle situations like this and who will not stick around to help but if you just breath and stay calm you will get through it.
After the seizure there is what I call the aftermath it is a coming down, breathing begins again, sometimes there is noises and body jurks but usually the body releases and loosens up, this is the time you can turn on side if you need to, if they seem to have something in their mouth or throwing up. Keep an eye on them at this time it is just as important as a seizure if not more. Monitor their breathing, monitor their movements make sure they dont fall and harm themselves with their jurking around, monitor that everything goes back to normal.
Stay with the person till help arrives or they wake up dont ever leave someone who is having a seizure alone.
Do not try to restrain, Do not hold down,
Time the seizure and make sure nothing can harm them.
Do not put anything in the mouth, Allow for shacking, Monitor time to see how long seizure is, Talk calmly to the person, Stay calm.
Monitor the aftermath Once seizure has finished monitor till help arrives or they come to. For other seizures they will look a little different but the process is mostly the same keep calm, keep them safe and talk to them till help arrives.
All though its scary stay with them you could be the one to save a life.