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Stress can increase

Epilepsy fact: Stress can increase activity 

Yes it can and has many times with Matt, living in situations that bring on a lot of stress for Matt have caused extra seizures.

This includes stress from himself, that he feels is happening to him and it is all in his head or stuff that might not ever happen, things that have happened in his past, things that seem real to him, loss of people and things from other people.

Yes stress from other people is a big one and happens in different ways, for Matt it has any way, like when his father does not have anything to do with him for years when he thinks about him he becomes stressed wondering why he never wants to be with him.

Yes even now that he is turning 30 he still wonders why people treat him poorly, wait dont we all.

Matt becomes stressed over the future that may or may not ever happen, he will stress over the things he would like to happen but are not. He stresses over the past and how he was treated by different people.

He stresses over time and when his next meal is, where is fòod is coming ftom, he even stresses over the next treat after he just ate one " I will wait till my next bag of chips" he said to me just yesterday as he just finished a full big bag of chips. "You just had a bag of chips" I tell him, " I know, I will wait till tomorrow for another bag," he says. This is how it goes all the time stressing over the next.

Stress causes more seizures, living with stressful people who are upset all the time can create someone with epilepsy to have more seizures, I know it did for Matt when we lived with someone who was angery all the time, once we moved away from all the stressful people we found Matt having less seizures.

Yes stress can cause more seizure activity and has many times for Matt, the more he stresses the more likely he is to have a seizure.

Learn to destress, I try this for Matt all the time he doesnt always understand how important it is and doesnt always do it but when he does it helps him and he is able to be stress free.


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