Why dont you count the birds
Another day of missery for Matt, another day of saddness, another day of depression, another day of complaining.
"Its a beautiful day out why dont you get dressed and go out side in the sun for a bit." I tell him.
It takes a few trys to get him to get it, in and out of his room and me having to remind him if what he is supposed to do, complaining about this and that.
Finally he is ready and out on the patio, through my window I see him still unhappy and I say "Why dont you count the birds?"
Getting his mind at least for a moment on something else then what is on his mind.
So he begind counting 1, 2, 3, "I saw 3 birds" he tells me through the window.
"Very good Matt" I tell him.
Sometimes doing something else, anything else helps create better thoughts, sometimes just allowing yourself to relax and focus on something else helps so much maybe not to change those thoughts but for sure to allow some good ones in.
For 15 min he stood outside not focusing on how bad his life is, how sad he is, how depressed he could get, how frustrated he is but instead soaking up the sun light and counting birds.
Sometimes change is best.