How legalization has made it more difficult for patents who require medicinal Cannabis.
How legalization has made it more difficult for patents who require medicinal Cannabis.
Where donwe go now?
What do we do now?
How do we help Matt?
Since Oct of last year we have been having more and more of a difficult time helping Matt.
Yes fall and winter are always the most difficult seasons, the darker it gets the more we have to do other things to help avoid seizures like Vitiman D, sun lamp and as much time outside as possible.
But what happens when something you use for medication becomes harder and harder to get, when you thought once legal it would get easier and easier.
Oh yes Cannabis is legal but it is so much more.difficult to get as like everything in the government they haven't done it the easy way oh no.they have gone and reinvented the wheele and have made it more difficult for those who really need it.
The.problem that has come in is
1) They made sure to make it available through a goverment funded webpage.
Cool convenient but not everything is available and what is, is limited.
2) It is only for recreational use, which means they have not even thought of medicinal through any of that process.
3) They have opened very few place in a very slow pieriod of time and clossing down so many in the process.
Making more and more difficult for people who really need it for medicinal get it.
4) They have created a law that cracks done on the user more then the seller making it a bully tactic buy from us or else.
5) The actual drug dealers can still sell it for less.
And I can go on and on.
Most people when they think about Cannabis they think about people just want the right to get high and for.some that is true but for Matt it is not. He actually needs to have Cannabis both CBD and THC to help with his seizures and other things that come along with them.
If you have read my blogs before you know that pharm drugs stopped working and we are on our last one for him and Cannabis came in as our last hope.
It worked, it still works but now it is so much more difficult to get.
Medicinal clinics have been closing down all over and product has been harder and harder to get when it should be easier.
How could it be harder to get if there is a web page full of stuff you can buy?
Trust is everything when it comes to helping your child stay alive well it is for me anyway and we had ourselves all set up with knowing where and what to get. We trusted the people, the product, the knowladge. We did our own research and knew what worked best for Matt.
Now however we cant find the oil he needs on the web page and it cost way more then we were paying for less quality oil.
The government never put into place anything for medicinal they just put it all in together to make it simple for themselves.
After fighting for so long against Cannabis for no good reason they legalis it to profit and still the ones who need still have to find away to get what they need a reasonable price.
Where do we go from here? How do we help Matt now?
What is going to happen next?