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Lossing a parent

Loosing a parent. Its never easy to loose anyone but when its a perant it is really hard to deal with. Some you expect as they are getting older and you know time with them is a gift and you cherish the time spent with them, some is way to soon and you dont realized how precious the time we had with them was. What happens though when your parent becomes unavailable to you by their own choosing? What happens when email stop, phone calls stop, text messages stop and you have no way of getting in touch with them at all? What happens when with out any word they just choose to cut you out of their life completly? For most of us it would hurt but we would just figure out how to live with it and move on but for someone like Matt it sometimes becomes difficult to understand, why arent they around, why no phone calls, why dont they want to see me, why? Reality becomes dreams, dreams become conflict. The mention of them can bring up some issue of abandonment but with out tge words to be able to express it becomes confussion. It doesnt matter the age of the child abandonment is dtill that. We figure out ways to help Matt feel better and help him understand that it has nothing to do with him and everything to do with the other person. We give him love, support, affection, attention, advice and maje sure he knows how truly important he is to us. 

Dont allow other peoples actions to control who you are, how others treat you is their issue, how you react is yours. Let them go and move on with your happy life you deserve better. Much love Joan

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