The importance of public figures speaking truthfully
I heard a story of a person in the public eye who was speaking to a group of people and was lying to them, sure he had no idea he was...
A debate on Cannabis
A debate on Cannabis again REALLY... As the date for Marijuana legalization comes closed here in Canada I find it interesting how many...
Just watched Bud Empire
Bud Empire My dad recorded for Mike and myself Bud Empire and invited us over to watch it with him and we did. The first two episodes he...
Epilepsy and what I now know
Hello all I have decided to sit down and write about all the things I know about epilepsy first had from a mother who has gone through it...
Went to pick up Matt's medication with my hunny as we get there they show us a new product its canabis oil with 80 something % cbd and...
If you think Cannabis does not help check this out
Matt has been on Cannabis for awhile now and there are times he can not get as much as we would love to give him due to being able to...
How does Cannabis help
How does Cannabis help For Matt it really does help it helps him be able to communicate better, it helps him regain his happy nature, it...