The importance of public figures speaking truthfully
I heard a story of a person in the public eye who was speaking to a group of people and was lying to them, sure he had no idea he was lying to them but he never did his research, he only went with what he knew, only went with what he believed to be true, only knew what he was told.
Here he was a man of importance and he was speaking about how Marijuana was bad for you and how because it was becoming legal we had to watch our children, news fact if kids want it they will get it the same way I did when I was a kid so make sure you educate your children. I couldn't believe what I was hearing when I was told this story, so all though he had no idea he was lying to all these people he was speaking with, all these people who trust his word. Marijuana is a drug it is harmful and so on he says, if he only knew how much good it does, if he only knew how much it has helped so many including our son Matt. Although I was not there and was not able myself to have a conversation with him, I wish I could tell him that he was wrong, I wish I could have shared all I know about this planet, about Cannabis, about Hemp, about CBD's and about THC's.
Your belief may be a lie if you don't do your research and in this case his is, he doesn't realize how dangerous his words are, what if I was not so educated and I believed this person and choose not to try Cannabis for Matt where would we be let me tell you where, many seizures, long lasting seizures and maybe even death, but think about all the people who are not willing to try it themselves, the ones who are worried what others think especially some one the is of influence to them like a pastor, priest, doctor, specialist, personal development speaker, teacher or anyone who is an influence to people.
Is your belief correct? Is what they need to be asking them self or is it something they just have been told. Is it the truth that they are sharing or just their own opinion because this matters A LOT.
For many this medication is a life saver if you do your research you will find out how many people it has helped. Don't allow others opinion to choose for you, don't hide behind what they say do your own research, learn for yourself can this help you.
People with influence have an even greater responsibility to do the research and speak the truth and not the lies they choose to believe, they need to look past their own agenda, there own prejudice, their own opinions and become open to learning what the truth truly is.
Cannabis helps with so many things and to say it doesn't at this point is a lie.
To find out how cannabis saved Matt's life read our book Life with Matt
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