My brother has epilepsy by Loki
Loki wanted to do a video to talk about what is like to have a brother like Matt, he wanted to share how in his own words what happens to...
Good day for an DQ treat
Hot fudge sundae sounds yummy and so that is what Matt, Mike and Loki had today at DQ. It was a good day for a treat it was warm and we...
I am okay today
This morning was a good morning, Matt woke up in smiles and his little brother woke up in a good mood and for this day they had some good...
Imagination play
Sometimes we have some very good days. Sometimes we have days we are all able to play imagination games. Even Matt Some days we all get...
The aftermath of a Grand Mal seizure
Last night Loki an I heard a sound, we both thought the same thing and went to check on Matt. As we open the door to Matt's bedroom we...