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Set yourself up for a good day

Every day begin with you, every morning you wake up can be a good beginning or not so good, how you leave your bed is about the way it will continue. Unless!

Unless you decide to change it.

If you wake up all bummed out you can choose to change that to a better mood by thinking better thoughts, listen to an audio that inspires you that lifts you up or some music that creates good feelings. When you change your thoughts you change your feeling but sometimes you have to do it but thinking of something different, actually that is exactly how you have to do it. Stop thinking of the situation, the bad dream, the bad nights sleep, what ever it is that is creating your thoughts and begin thinking of things that put a smile on your face.

Same goes for a good feeling you wake up in a good mood and it is amazing, had the best dream, had that best sleep and all of a sudden something or someone happens and you begin thinking other thoughts and feeling pretty bad, you can continue to think those thoughts or you can choose to think better thoughts and go back to the good dream, the good feelings the good thoughts.

Begin every day by knowing you have a choice to choose a good day. Start right now choosing some thoughts that feel good, start by thinking of what you are grateful for. Writing out a gratitude list is a wonderful way to reconnect with the good feelings, then you can go back to it all day long.

If your still laying in bed think of love (the love you have for someone, a lover, a friend, a parent, a child, a pet, a family member someone else or even something you really love to do) think of how it makes you feel amazing isn't? (Now if thinking of something you love brings up any negative thought you have stopped thinking of the love and gone somewhere else some other thought, return to the love feeling) What does it feel like to be in love, to love and to be loved? Amazing doesn't it? Yes truly amazing.

I know that through the day things will come up that are out of your control but you can make it a better day by beginning it right and remembering you get to choose you.

Breath and get back to feeling good, think good thoughts and move back into a good space.

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