Set yourself up for a good day
Every day begin with you, every morning you wake up can be a good beginning or not so good, how you leave your bed is about the way it...
Doing Matt's room
So we are all moved in and most rooms are organized or at least mostly and although Matt began organizing and putting his stuff back up...
Gratitude and love helps every condition
I am a big believer that you can heal you and your thoughts are a big part of this. I am a big believer that it is very important to...
Brotherly love
I have always loved to watch the bond between Matt and Loki grow. I have always loved to see them share things, to do things together and...
And just when you feel you were getting somewhere
And just when you feel you were getting somewhere I am going to write a double blog post on this subject but two different views, one...
Why cant I have that, When will I have that
Why cant I have that, When will I have that Matts little sister got married this past weekend and although Matt was and is very happy for...
Matts Goal to be a good big brother
Matts Goal to be a good big brother Matt woke up one morning and told me he really wants to be a good big brother, he wanted to be...
Love feels better then fear
I was Awake and writing when I hear it, this time how ever all I feel is love and before I can get out of bed it is over. Matt had a very...
The Magic moments
The Magic moments Sometimes Matt says the sweeties things. The other day Clarissa my oldest called Mike "Step dad" and Loki was there and...
Happy Birthday to Matt
If you had told me 27 years ago as I was getting ready to have this amazing person that things would have been the way they were, that I...