Brotherly love
I have always loved to watch the bond between Matt and Loki grow. I have always loved to see them share things, to do things together and...
Ask Matt Video 1
This will be a new set of Videos we will be doing with Matt call ask Matt. #AskMatt #personwithdisabilities #actor #LifewithMatt...
You have no idea what someone else is going through
You have no idea what someone else is going through Dont Judge, dont be rude for it will prove who you really are Yesterday we went on a...
All you need is love
All you need is love After very interesting day with Matt yesterday if you havent read the other blogs you can feel free to read right...
We all know what is right and wrong.
We all know what is right and wrong. Lets talk about wrong first why not What is wrong well we know it because of how it makes us feel.....
Life on the out side
Life on the out side It was over two weeks ago Matt had a bad seizure fell off his bed and banged his forehead, he hasnt been back to his...
Although it may be difficult do it any way
There are days and nights that arent always the best and then there are days and nights that are okay and then there are days where you...
What if
I have no idea what life is like for my son Matt, we never know what anyone's life is like for them. I came across this video that shows...
It is as it is and it is okay
I was 22 years young when I found out I was pregnant with Matt, I was ecstatic I had my first baby when I was sixteen and couldn't wait...
Things change
Things change In our house things change in a moments notice, no we dont get any worning, or anything it just changes. One of the reasons...