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You never know

You never know

Matt seems like a really healthy person, some days he is capable of doing a lot and is being very social and friendly like yesterday he will have conversations with you and who ever is around he is nice and will even play with the little ones and anyone who meets him will not even know there is anyting different about him.


Well I say different but I mean is that he doesnt always understand what the conversation is about and will answer a question with a interesting way of answering, "ike what is your age" some one will ask Matts answer "well I think this is 25 years old." This is a good state for Matt interesting way of answering but he remembers.

Other times he will be not so responsive and he will look angry or upset still looks like everyone else so when people are having conversations with him they dont understand what he is wanting or doing for that matter. he does not use any body language at all or if he does it is more like a what ever attitude or I dont believe you or something like that most people miss read Matt and they get uncomfortable or are unsure what to do.

matt 7.jpg

In the past two days I had watched different people around Matt when Matt was in two different moods or personalities one was just kind of out of it and the other was social

Day one just kind of out of it: walks up to a door and asks for his sister as i wait in the car I can see him ask and the person responding but instead of coming back he stands there and I could see the other person not know what to do, I went to help.

Day two happy socialble able to answer questions like above with no problem and be friendly play with the little ones and have fun with his day.

We never know what we are going to get so we just do the best we can in every moment.

You never know what is going on in someone elses life so dont judge them just try and help or try to figur it out or just send them love and hope all goes well for them.

I am grateful for every day I get with this man and so very grateful when I see the happy, friendly social Matt.


<3 Joan Nielsen

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