A rough night equals a rough morning
Its been an interesting week, Matt has been in a mostly good mood, however the more he has been focusing on stuff the worse it has got....
When Matt gets a bug or something
When Matt gets a bug or something Things change a little when Matt gets a bug his body has to go through so much with the seizure that...
Matt forgets how to feed himself
It is always difficult after a seizure it is hard to know what to do and even the simplest things like feeding yourself you forget. I...
Complex focal seizure
Complex focal seizure While having dinner Matt had a seizure first I thought it was an absent it only lasted a few moments, then he began...
Beware of scammers
A "doctor" contacted me on youtube asking how Matt was after one of the seizure videos I posted, I responded that he was well, doing good...
Not a good day for a blood test
This morning I was going to take Matt for his blood test, however, he woke up not doing so well, he was pale white and not understanding...
Matt sharing his morning
#LivingWithEpilepsy #Lifewithdisabilities #lifewithseizures #lifewithepilepsy #LifewithMAtt #stressfree #LawofAttraction #Books #movies...
I am happy
Matt wakes up in the morning, this morning and he comes gives me a hug and I say "Hi Matt how are you this morning?" Matt steps back a...
You just never know what will happen when you go to a Movie
You just never know what will happen when you go to a Movie We went to see a movie something we do from time to time sometimes it works...
Matt loves making a city for everyone on his game.
Matt loves making a city for everyone on his game Age of Empires 3. There are days where Matt is very happy playing his game that he...