ARE YOU KIDDING ME Are you kidding me I hear myself say once I hear the receptionist on the other end, to her I politely say okay what do...
You will see it when you believe it
Dr Wayne W Dyer Wrote a book called You will see it when you believe it and Matt is reading this book at this moment and this is what he...
What is it like to live with someone with Epilepsy?
As many of you know I am the mother of a 28 year old son who for the past 15 years has lived with Epilepsy one of the most difficult...
Stitches, bumps and bruises all part of it
Stitches, bumps, bruises all part of it. As if a seizure is not bad enough there are far more to it then it seems, there are many more...
It doesnt last forever
We have so many really good days and then we are back to square one it seems. Well not really but sometimes it sure feels like it. How...
Happiness now
We have had some great times with Matt lately he has been happy, loving, kind, concerned and playful even having fun with the little...
As normal as it gets
As normal as it gets I am happy to share Matt is coming back to his normal remembering things a little better I bought him a book and he...