Happy Playful Matt
So much fun with a Balloon and Jaden #happyMatt #playful #fun #lifewithMatt
Before and after a drop seizure Matt act's like this
It isnt always easy to know when a seizure is about to happen or if one happened but when this happens it usually means a drop seizure....
Seizure free
Seizure free I used to worry about the next seizure till I taught myself to celebrate the seizure free moments. One day, two day, One...
I kind of miss him
As I head into Matt's room to wish him a good morning and get the morning started I hear Matt say I kind if miss him. With out asking I...
Bad dreams last a little longer
Everyone has a bad dream now and then but what happens when Matt has a bad dream is he brings it with him and creates a not so good day...
Sometimes you just need to forgive and let go
There are times when Matt will speak of someone who no longer wants to be a part of his life and he will wonder why or will just begin...
Epilepsy and what I now know
Hello all I have decided to sit down and write about all the things I know about epilepsy first had from a mother who has gone through it...
More cognitive on CBD Oil
Does CBD help you become more cognitive? It has been about four days now and Matt has become way more cognitive on this new oil the one...
Sometimes he can and sometimes he cant
There are days that Matt can understand what is going on and can follow simple instructions and then there are days he doesn't understand...
Went to pick up Matt's medication with my hunny as we get there they show us a new product its canabis oil with 80 something % cbd and...