Matt's 28 th Birthday Happy Birthday Matt
My dearest son Today is your 28th birthday and I am so very grateful its been a wonderful adventure with you we have gone through so...
Stitches, bumps and bruises all part of it
Stitches, bumps, bruises all part of it. As if a seizure is not bad enough there are far more to it then it seems, there are many more...
Become okay where you are
A few nights ago Matt had a episode I really dont know how to describe it he starts to shack and be comes very loving saying you are my...
Such a great idea I just had to share
Way to go daddy I wish this was available when Matt was little although we didnt even have cell phones like we do now lol What a great...
Taking Epilepsy very SERIOUSLY
Taking Epilepsy very SERIOUSLY There is always a chance something will happen during a seizure, you never know what will happen anytime...
I think my son had a seizure
I think my son had had a seizure today although no one knew it, except for my husband and I but that was not till much later, I think my...
Happiness now
We have had some great times with Matt lately he has been happy, loving, kind, concerned and playful even having fun with the little...