Why cant I have that, When will I have that
Why cant I have that, When will I have that Matts little sister got married this past weekend and although Matt was and is very happy for...
I guess you dont want me any more
I guess you dont want me any more Sometimes you never know what you are going to hear from Matt, sometimes you never know where he gets...
A little girl with Epilepsy tries Cannabis oil
I found this video about a little girl who's father tried Cannabis oil and it really worked. I know for us how well it is working and I...
If you think Cannabis does not help check this out
Matt has been on Cannabis for awhile now and there are times he can not get as much as we would love to give him due to being able to...
Good thing for extended Medical
Good thing for extended Medical As I am picking Matts pills from the pharmacy that I go to I hear the lady behind the counter say "good...
Camping in our yard
#camping #campinginouryard #LifewithMatt #fun #JoanNielsen #illness #thought #seizures #thinkhealthythoughts
Other treatments
Other treatments There are so many ways to treat ANY and ALL diseases there is the clinical way (we will call it that it is when you go...
Music as a healer
Music as a healer One of the the most wonderful things ever created is music, music can heal and has and does for Matt as well and in...
How does Cannabis help
How does Cannabis help For Matt it really does help it helps him be able to communicate better, it helps him regain his happy nature, it...
Ask Matt Video 3
#askmatt #seizures #lifewithmatt #epilepsy #JoanNielsen