Grand mal seizures the sound that breaks my heart
I was busy working on something last night after getting Matt all taken care of just before helping Loki with bedtime and I hear that...
Fun in nature
We went on a nature walk it was a lovely time. Winter is always an interesting time for us, we do not get a lot of sun up here in Canada,...
Looks like a bad night
Some morning Matt looks like he had a bad night. Although we didnt hear anything it is obvious he had a very bad night. I am sure he had...
Some days its a roller coaster ride
Some days its a roller coaster ride. Yesterday was like a roller coaster ride or at least it felt like one. As Matt woke up I could see...
Sudden, unexpected death of someone with epilepsy who is other wise their healthy. Today I am going to write about this as I know it...
Are you okay Matt?
A common question asked around our house. If we hear a bang. If we haven't heard from him in awhile. If he is in the tub and we are just...
Doing Matt's room
So we are all moved in and most rooms are organized or at least mostly and although Matt began organizing and putting his stuff back up...
What is it like to live with someone with Epilepsy?
As many of you know I am the mother of a 28 year old son who for the past 15 years has lived with Epilepsy one of the most difficult...
Become okay where you are
A few nights ago Matt had a episode I really dont know how to describe it he starts to shack and be comes very loving saying you are my...
Difficult days good days I love them all
love the past few day or week we have had Matt was in such great moods and even playing with the kids, socializing and just having a good...