Not everyone understands
Not everyone understands We have had some amazing days out and about with Matt he has been in a really good mood, he was all smiles and...
I wanted to surprise Matt with something new for dinner but what, then it came to me rice balls yea.... So I sat down to look up recipes...
We do have some awesome fun days
We do have some awesome fun days Youtube video here Not sure why it is having trouble uploading We do have days when Matt is able to have...
The world needs all kinds of minds
I heard of for the first time today about Temple Grandin who is a very interesting lady and I found this wonderful Ted talks video where...
Okay I will just stay on the low carb food
Okay I will just stay on the low carb food Words that get me to be more aware of what Matt is doing in a day and where he is thinking,...
As normal as it gets
As normal as it gets I am happy to share Matt is coming back to his normal remembering things a little better I bought him a book and he...
Just be happy
Just be happy One of the things I love to work on with Matt is to just be happy, he doesnt always feel this way and sometime being...
Black eyes, cut head, bruises and so much more
Black eyes, cut head, bruises and so much more Since Matt has Grand Mals he usually wakes up after one with some sort of injury. He has...
Faced with Anger
Faced with Anger Anger is a by product of the medication that Matt is on the pharmaceutical medication as of right now I am unable to...
Can Untrained service dogs help?
Can Untrained service dogs help? I have a dog well actually I have two, one is a Japanese Chin Yuki who is 8 years and one is a border...